McKeown, N., et al.: OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks. In: 2014 Second International Symposium on Computing and Networking, pp. Liang, C., Kawashima, R., Matsuo, H.: Scalable and crash-tolerant load balancing based on switch migration for multiple open flow controllers. Karakus, M., Durresi, A.: Quality of service (QOS) in software defined networking (SDN): a survey. In: 2012 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems, vol. Hu, Y., Wang, W., Gong, X., Que, X., Cheng, S.: BalanceFlow: controller load balancing for OpenFlow networks. Hojiev, S.Q., Kim, D.S.: Dynamic load balancing algorithm based on users immigration in wireless LANs. In: 2015 IEEE Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 2015, pp. The networking devices were simulated using Mininet simulator and background traffic was generated using Iperf.ĭilmaghani, R., Kwon, D.: Evaluation of OpenFlow load balancing for navy. The proposed solution is implemented in the application and control layer of the OpenDaylight Controller. Moreover, this paper tries to demonstrate a satisfactory network performance by presenting trade-offs between throughput and the number of hops within a multi-path network. Also, using the overall view of the network, the solution allows evaluation of the path loads between two endpoints and to opt for the less congested path. This solution allows the network operator to prioritise traffic between specific end points. In this paper, we propose a solution to achieve the stringent QoS requirement of such mission critical flows in multi-path environments based on SDN.
Due to the constraints of traditional networks, we should seek for solutions supported by de-centralised approaches offered by SDN. Network operators must have tools that allow them to provide special treatment to such mission-critical flows based on specific application requirements.
These critical flows require stringent QoS requirements on parameters such as throughput, packet loss, latency, jitter and redundancy. Mission critical applications depends on the communication among other systems and/or users and thus, the traffic/flows generated by these applications could bring profound consequences in sectors such as military, hospital, automotive safety and air-traffic control systems.